Drill Stand (DS100)

Drill Stand (DS100)
Hold it right and safe.
This Drill Stand is designed to a global standard with the latest design and technology To Serve Reliable And Long-Life Performance For High-Quality Workshop Works. The product is effective for all professional workshop jobs that include pinpoint drilling and is compatible with all types of drilling machines on the market. The DS 100 Version’s Rail Guide Mechanism offers a more accurate and precise drilling process. Our drill stands are made using high-quality materials and cutting-edge techniques, making them up to the standards in this extremely difficult industry. The increased weight made possible by the use of a sturdy cast iron base gives the work exceptional stability. Lenore DS 100 is estimated to weigh 1.75 kg, which is significantly more than any drill stand.

All available varieties of hand drills can be used with the DS 100.

Rail-Guide mechanism provide
high precision to all drilling works

Improved weight of 4 KG give stability to the drill stand